a Dictator Chips Valentine Special

Relation Chips; a Dictator Chips Valentine Special!

Initiator/organisator/Art and design/scenografie Virginie Moerenhout.

Dictator Chips / Expo/ Music / Love Potion / Coup Cakes / Photo boot /and much more!

The event will consist of an exposition of the diverse manifestations of Dictator Chips.
And will be accompanied among other things with a DJ and musicians. The band "Straf" (literally meaning "Punishment") will play in style.
Mongolian-overtone-singning/djembe in the yurt from "Dzjengis Clan".
More music from Cougars in America, the fantastic polder-polka-band Straf and the fabulous DJ Hagel Slag! Visuals from VJ AZ XXL.
A performance of Circle Circus • Hoop Dance Maastricht .
And additional "Bad Boys" airbrush artwork from Bert Volkers.
We will explore the phenomenon called ENCLOTHED COGNITION (the effects of clothing on cognitive processes) at the Dictator Chips cloting booth.
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